It is also that, the power of the commu : Quee will, one of the largest American forums around the video game, has just been officially redeemed by the group MOBA Network for the coquette sum of 4.55 million dollars. A way for the new purchaser to consider News significant opportunities to increase advertising revenues of a domain that has finances since its foundation through targeted ads. And at the rate of $ 700,000 in turnover for the last twelve months, and a gross operating surplus that margin at nearly 80%, one understands the appetite of the group based in Sweden.
Founded on the ashes of Neogaf in 2017, Queera quickly gained popularity by relaxing on the same principles: a reading access open to all, but a particularly drastic registration process to accommodate new members likely to post. At the time it is, the Forum has 55,000 members for 45 million posts identified, a sign of a committed community whose advertisers are necessarily fond. As its model, this forum in the old is known to accommodate both seasoned video game observers and professionals (developers, analysts, marketing managers), these famous insiders who do not hesitate to relay or share information firsthand.
The only one and only owner of Queetera, Cerium , will receive the sum in two installments, with a cash payment of $ 3.55 million at first, in addition to an additional million at December 31. What to consider peaceful days, especially since, as it explains itself in a message addressed to the community, the people who enjoyed paid work, like the technical team, will negotiate. Wré with Moba Network to continue their activities. The moderation team will always be composed of volunteers. Cerium nevertheless ensures that Moba Network will not sell the personal data of users and will never make it, and that nothing will change in the way the data is processed and protected.
To read also | Neogaf, leak in advance of the video game
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